Prison Inmates – Support Resources
These organizations are not necessarily gay-positive but they will help you grow in Christ.
RBC Ministries
PO Box 2222
Grand Rapids, MI 49501
or in Canada write to:
RBC Ministries
PO Box 1622
Windsor, ON N9A 6Z7
Our Daily Bread is a monthly booklet of daily devotions distributed without charge.
P.O. Box 655
Fenton, MO 63026
From her website:
“By the grace of God, the help of numerous volunteers, and the financial support of our friends and partners, we are reaching out …to proclaim freedom for the prisoners … (Luke 4:18 NIV).
Since 1998, our prison ministry team has distributed more than 1.5 million gift bags—including hygiene items and one of Joyce’s books—to those who are incarcerated around the world.
Basic hygiene products, like soap and shampoo, are something most prisoners can’t afford…and they are often the very things that open their hearts to reading the enclosed book.
During our visits, God also provides us with many opportunities to hold services, preach the Gospel and share His love with these precious people. Over the years, more than 60,000 prisoners have given their lives to the Lord through these services.
In all, we have visited 1,791 prisons in 25 countries, including the nations of Australia, Brazil, Cambodia, El Salvador, Grenada, Costa Rica, Canada, Nicaragua, Belize, Bahamas, Fiji, Honduras, India, Kenya, Panama, Mexico, Rwanda and more.
In 2007 alone, we reached 225 prisons, delivering more than 170,000 gift bags to prisoners across the U.S. and in nations like Guatemala, South Africa and New Zealand.
We also reached another ministry milestone: We distributed more than 3,500 hygiene gift bags throughout the Alaska prison system, completing our seemingly impossible goal of reaching all 50 of the United States.”
Write and ask for a visit, gift bag, book or anything that might help you grow as a Christian.
PO Box 140800
Nashville, TN 37214
The Gideons will provide you with a Bible if you don’t have one.
Good News Jail and Prison Ministry
P.O. Box 9760
Richmond, VA 23228-0760
1. Bible Correspondence Course
The Bible Correspondence Course consists of 224 individual Bible studies that inmates can utilize to gain a deeper and greater knowledge of the Bible. Each study consists of four pages of questions that the inmates can only answer by looking up corresponding biblical chapter and verse.
The books covered in this study begin with the New Testament book of John (32 lessons), then moves into 1 John (8 lessons), Philippians (8 lessons), 1 & 2 Thessalonians (8 lessons), Ephesians (8 lessons), Romans (24 lessons) 1 & 2 Corinthians (32 lessons), Colossians (8 lessons), 1 & 2 Peter (8 lessons), Genesis (40 lessons), Galatians (8 lessons), and Acts (40 lessons).
Once the individual book study is completed, the inmate then sends it to the Chaplain for grading, and receives back the next in the series to work on. Every time the inmate finishes one of the books, he or she receives what is called a “Unit Certificate” from Good News indicating the inmate has successfully completed that particular biblical unit of study.
When the inmate completes all 224 individual studies, then he or she receives from Good News a “Course Completion Certificate”, along with a brand new “Award Bible”. What the inmates receive is The Open Bible, New King James Version, published by Thomas Nelson Publishers out of Nashville, Tenn.
2. Life Learning Program
1. The Life-Learning Program is essentially:
- A Biblically centered ministry program designed to teach inmates how their world and life view relates to every area of life…
- Intended to emphasize that the Scriptures are relevant to every area of their lives…
- Communicating how thoughts, attitudes and actions that have caused so much difficulty in the past can be changed…
- Presented within a context and atmosphere that will enhance the receptivity and impact of the material presented…
- For the purpose of bringing about an effective and measurable change in inmates…
- Allowing them to return to society as individuals who are prepared and willing to be productive citizens in the community…
- With a value system that is based on personal responsibility and accountability.
2. The Life-Learning Program is not:
- A duplication of worship services.
- A duplication of Bible studies.
- A duplication of facility endorsed support groups.
3. Some of the topics addressed in the program:
- Acceptance as a person.
- Getting along with those around us.<
- Forgiveness-What it means and what it accomplishes.
- How to handle “going to prison.”
- How to handle “getting out.”
- Responsibility and accountability to family, job and authority.
4. Distinguishing elements of this concept include the fact that inmates must:
- Request to be placed in the program.
- Be recommended by the Chaplain or one of the volunteers.
- Meet necessary classification requirements.
- Be incarcerated for at least 45 days.
Bible Believers Fellowship, Inc. Christian Prison Ministry
P.O. Box 0065
Baldwin, NY 11510-0065
Bible Believers Fellowship, Inc. is not a church but a nondenominational, nonprofit, nationwide Christian prison ministry. We take the Bible literally as what it is, the inspired Word of God. It is our firm belief that even the most hardened of criminals, or troubled youth offenders, can be touched and changed forever by the power and love of our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ.
We provide United States prison chaplains with free English and Spanish Christian literature and videos that will assist them in reaching prisoners with the Holy Word of God. Among other things, we distribute Bibles, New Testaments, Gospels of John, role model books, little Bible booklets, tracts, Christian videos, and our regular Bible teaching newsletter, “The Good News Letter.”
We also provide free counseling and encouragement, not only for repentant convicts and juveniles who want to turn from their past and live for Jesus (see John 1:12-13 and 2 Corinthians 5:17), but also for incarcerated new believers and backsliders who are struggling hard to understand the Bible and to live the Christian faith.
This ministry is solely evangelical in nature and content, and does not engage in lobbying practices, politics, inmate litigation, or Pen-Pal programs.
United Prison Ministries International
890 County Road 93
Verbena, AL 36091-3664
“Since 1981 United Prison Ministries International (UPMI) has provided over 70 million Bible lessons, life- changing books, and Bibles to men and women in prisons around the world.
All of the literature that we distribute to prisons is free. We are a faith ministry, not supported by any church, foundation, or any organization.”