Countries With Legalized Same-Sex Marriage
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In June 1958, Virginia residents Richard Loving and Mildred Jeter traveled to Washington, D.C., got married and returned home. An unexceptional story but for one fact: Richard was white and Mildred black. Their marriage therefore violated Virginia’s Racial Integrity Act. The Lovings were convicted in Virginia court and sentenced to a year in jail, with…
May 17, 2017 – While missing an opportunity to clearly state his position on the issue of same-sex marriage, Junior Minister of Tourism Archibald Christian has used the House of Assembly to note a major ‘same-sex’ development in Bermuda, which is also a British Overseas Territory. May 17, 2017 – While missing an opportunity to…
July 11, 2017 Jahed Choudhury and Sean Rogan have married in what is being called Britain’s ‘first’ ever same-sex Muslim wedding. The newlyweds want “to show the whole world that you can be gay and Muslim” after exchanging vows in West Midlands. 24-year-old Choudhury told Express and Star that he was bullied in school and was banned from his…
April 11, 2018 – Maryland has become the 12th state to ban gay conversion therapy by health professionals. It joins Washington State, California, Massachusetts, Illinois and several others in banning the practice, which often leads to depression and suicidal behavior in minors. Florida still allows it, but several South Florida cities have outlawed it. They…
Read Part 1 of this article. Today, as Canadians (or at least those of us who vote) are choosing our government for the next five years, I want to recall the words of a former national leader. On Dec. 22, 1967, defending the decriminalization of homosexual behaviour, Pierre Elliott Trudeau opined that “The state has…
by C. Ann Shepherd The typical married couple in America receives over 160 benefits and rights by virtue of their union. It seems ironic that a heterosexual couple married for one hour, has more rights and benefits than a same-sex couple that has been together for 30 years. The following is only a sample of…
GLENN DALE – A church pastor and a Web page designer yesterday got as close to marriage as two same-sex Episcopalians can in Maryland. During a service led by the Right Rev. John Bryson Chane, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington, the 12-year relationship between the Rev. Michael Warren Hopkins and John Clinton Bradley…
Note: The son of two Lutheran pastors, Vaughn Roste is a Canadian who has worshipped and worked in Episcopalian, Presbyterian, United and Christian Reformed Churches, but his current employment is teaching at a United Methodist College. He has visited five continents and lived on four of them, holds three degrees in two different areas (theology…
“Nothing in regard to controversial matters ha(s) ever been settled by the Bible.” ~ William Lloyd Garrison Gays and lesbians will never “win” the argument over what the Bible says or does not say about homosexuality. The good news is: we don’t have to. It will not be arguments over the Bible that will ultimately…
by Brother Lawrence Damien Dear family, We have been told that the Bible defines marriage as between one man and one woman. Therefore any other kind of marriage is wrong, including same sex marriages. However, is that what the Bible really says? Is the Bible open to more than one type of marriage? If so,…
The gender-neutral Mx. is used as a title for those who do not identify as being of a particular gender, or for people who simply don’t want to be identified by gender. Though the earliest print evidence dates to 1977, the word has only recently become popular. Pronounced to sound like mix or mux, the…
NEW YORK (Reuters) – People who were born in New York City and do not identify as male or female can now opt for a third gender category of X on their birth certificates. Mayor Bill de Blasio signed the provision into a law on Tuesday, making New York City the fifth place to do…
Lloyd Thornhill and his partner Bob Peacock were married last year in Canada and were involved in the court case for equal marriage in Canada. Below is a presentation they made to the government’s Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights back on April 1, 2003 before they won the right to marry. Vancouver, BC,…
A transgender student at a Florida high school can use the men’s restroom during his senior year, a federal judge says. The judge ruled last Thursday that 18-year-old Drew Adams can use the men’s restroom at Nease High School in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida when classes resume next month. Citing a district policy, the school…
We all grow up being taught the conventional wisdom of our surroundings. I never knew anyone whom I could identify as being a homosexual until I was in college — nice people didn’t talk about that. On the other hand, early on I learned the language of ridicule. There was a boy in our neighborhood…
The Scottish Episcopal Church has voted to allow gay couples to marry in church. It makes it the first major Christian church in the UK to allow same-sex marriages. The Scottish Episcopal Church has voted to allow gay couples to marry in church. It makes it the first major Christian church in the UK to…
May 26, 2017 – Countries (nationwide or in some parts) that now legally recognize same-sex marriage are: Argentina, Belgium, Bermuda, Brazil, Canada, Columbia, Denmark, Finland, France, Iceland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay. Note that this list is different than…
Table of Contents Common discriminatory behavior Faith/religious related discrimination Employment discrimination Same sex blood and donation Housing Conjugal rights Medical care rights Military service Parental rights Hate crimes Prevention and protection against same sex discrimination What do you do if you feel you’re a victim of discrimination?
Identify & Prevent Direct and Indirect Discrimination Table of Contents
from Internet Sacred Text Archive (used with permission) There are about half a dozen direct references to what we today term homosexuality in the Tanach and NT, and a few others which are relevant but not direct. Two of the most negative passages are found in the book of Leviticus, alongside a mass of ancient…
The Liberal sponsorship scandal, the Enron affair and the Parmalat case seem to be symptoms of a failure in modern Western culture. We put too much emphasis on individual rights and not enough on individual responsibilities. The public clamours for the individuals responsible for corporate and government failures to face the same sort of criminal…
As we celebrate the 25th anniversary of Northampton Pride and the 2nd anniversary of the legal recognition of same sex marriage in Massachusetts this year, history has been at the forefront of my mind. Several thousand same sex couples have married in Massachusetts over the past two years, and life is only better for the…
“The church is not of one mind. I expect this issue to continue to be raised until society comes to terms with it.” ~ Bishop Elias Galvan of Seattle, March 21, 2004 (speaking after Methodist minister Rev. Karen Dammann was acquitted in a church trial over her sexual orientation.) As recently as March, a CBS…
It is highly advised for HR Managers to raise LGBT+ awareness, informing each department that there are more than two genders. Gender is a spectrum, not a binary. It is important to recognize this distinction because binary thinking around gender can exclude a large and overlooked part of the workforce. There are an estimated 1.4…
CALGARY – Yesterday the Liberal government introduced their much-awaited marriage legislation. The decision I have come to has been a difficult one. I have spoken to many hundreds in my riding of Calgary Centre-North. I have met with many community leaders including religious leaders from Calgary and representatives of the gay community. I have held…
Anybody who has several sexual partners in a year is committing spiritual suicide. He or she is ripping the veil from all that is private and delicate in oneself, and pulverizing it in an assembly line of selfish sensations. But marriage is the opposite. Marriage joins two people in a sacred bond. It demands that…
When the Spanish parliament yesterday took its historic vote legalizing both gay marriage and adoption of children by gay couples, Socialist Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, who put the full prestige of his office and party behind passage of the gay human rights legislation — made probably the most remarkable speech in favor of…
In the present ongoing discussion about same-sex marriages, the one thing that seems to be missing within the Roman Catholic Church and within our country, is a dialogue among people who respect one another. And for me, as your pastor, it is much easier to remain silent, than to take up the challenge to use…