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Elementary & Secondary School Resources for Inclusive Education
I am blessed to live in Canada where gay marriage has been legal for many years. I am further blessed that gay marriage was just the beginning, and now I am seeing advancements taking place in our elementary and secondary school systems to actively teach both staff and students about the respect that every individual…
Prison Inmates – Support Resources
CHRISTIAN RESOURCES These organizations are not necessarily gay-positive but they will help you grow in Christ. Our Daily Bread RBC MinistriesPO Box 2222Grand Rapids, MI 49501(616)-974-2210 or in Canada write to:RBC MinistriesPO Box 1622Windsor, ON N9A 6Z7 Our Daily Bread is a monthly booklet of daily devotions distributed without charge. Joyce Meyer Prison Ministries P.O….
Same Sex Marriage Discrimination
Identify & Prevent Direct and Indirect Discrimination Table of Contents
Evolving Women: Healing Sanctuary
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Grants For Native Americans
Comprehensive listing of Native American Grants in all 50 states and major cities Our website provides detailed information on Native American Grants that could help low income individuals and families [two parent and single parent] with grants and scholarships. Assistance is offered free of cost to eligible families who can offer sufficient documentation to prove financial…
Substance Abuse in the LBGTQ Community
Heterosexism may affect gay and bisexual men, lesbian, transgender, and queer individuals (LGBTQ) people by causing internalized homophobia, shame, and a negative self-concept. It is not surprising to find that many LGBTQ individuals in therapy report feeling isolated, fearful, depressed, anxious, and angry and have difficulty trusting others. LGBTQ individuals may resort to substance abuse…
Could Your Teenager Be Gay?
Secretly, many parents hope not. But if the answer is yes, there’s a lot of support to help you and your child along the journey. A few weeks before writing this, I bumped into an acquaintance, a middle-aged woman with two teenage sons. I told her I was working on an article about parents of…
Off The Fence – A Quest For God
by Patricia Spencer, taken from her book How to Survive Suicide: What nobody told me about how to survive losing my son to suicide, available on and Note from Mary: This article, written by my dear friend Patty Spencer, is from the above-mentioned book. It presents such excellent concepts re God and science…
L-Fund – assists Lesbians in the Coachella Valley to resolve short-term financial crises, unlike traditional social service or financial aid agencies that deal with long-term assistance. The L-Fund’s established reserve account often allows them to respond to a request within 24 to 48 hours. “This is the only Lesbian organization in the valley to provide…
Breast Cancer Survivors Writer’s Workshops – Whistle Words
Charlotte Matthews is on a mission—a mission of empathy and sharing stories. After undergoing a radical double mastectomy for stage three breast cancer 12 years ago—followed by six months of chemotherapy—she felt overwhelmed, like she didn’t know who she was any more. In spite of all the love and support she received from family and…
Support Resource Categories
Religion Support Christian Denominational Support Mormon Support For Gays Mennonite Support For Gays Jehovah’s Witnesses Gay Support Muslim Support For Gays LGBT Support Phone Numbers Same Sex Marriage Discrimination Drug, Alcohol & Smoking Addiction Support LGBT’s In The Workplace Gay Parents – Support, Adoption, Fostering LGBT Rights Therapy Resource Links Financial Support Stories by Gay…
Ex-Gay and Exodus International Support
For Those Who Have Been Hurt By These Anti-Gay Ministries See also Ex-Gay Videos Terrible Harm from those Wacky Gay “Cures” – excellent article by Peterson Toscano Peterson Toscano’s Website – A Musing: A Quirky Queer Quaker performance artist and scholar – an ex-gay survivor and Creator of Doin’ Time in the Homo No Mo…
Free Grants For Women
We are the largest source of grants for women Listed here are free grants and financial assistance programs hat help women with medication, housing, medical bills, rent, utility bills, child care, education, and mortgage, among others. Find grants faster here since we have listed grants by state, there is a database of organizations that give…
Youth – LGBTIQ
If you are a young person who is considering suicide, please DON’T! Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. We have been where you are now. We got through it and we can show you how to get through it too. We have answers that you may never have considered. Remember that God…
Jehovah’s Witnesses Gay Support
A Common Bond is the worldwide support network for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender individuals who were, or still are, associated with Jehovah’s Witnesses. We began in 1980 as a simple mimeographed newsletter, and have since grown into a worldwide network with local chapters and annual international conferences. The mission of A Common Bond is…
Stories by Gay Christians To Uplift & Encourage
Fashioned of God – Personal stories by gay Christians Inside Out Faith – Founded by Jennifer Knapp, Inside Out Faith seeks to actively engage faith communities in order to educate, affirm and foster support of LGBT persons and their allies. Stories of Christian Gays Members
LGBTQ Scholarships
Looking for LGBTQ scholarships that will make college more financially feasible? There are a number of scholarships specifically geared toward LGBTQ students, so we’ve rounded up some great options to pursue. For those that identify as lesbian, gay, transgender, or bisexual, the challenges can be intense. The Pew Research Center found in 2013, that bisexual…
Guide To LGBT Finances
Guide to LGBT finances: You can live a richer life – How to save now, protect your assets, plan a family, and erase your credit card debt Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans have made extraordinary strides toward equality in recent years, yet obstacles remain – including disparities in personal finance.
LGBT Church Inclusion
The Reformation Project A Bible-Based, Gospel-Centered Approach to LGBT Inclusion The Reformation Project is a Bible-based, Christian grassroots organization that works to promote inclusion of LGBT people by reforming church teaching on sexual orientation and gender identity. We envision a global church that fully affirms LGBT people. Advancing the Kingdom, Advancing Equality.
Rizi Timane Annual Transgender Grant
Armed with his life experiences and a keen desire to support his LGBT community, Rizi founded The Happy Transgender Center in 2012 to provide much-needed support to trans individuals and their families during the transition process.
Free Grants For Veterans
Find Free Grants For Veterans in all 50 states and major cities Our website provides comprehensive details on grants for veterans. These grants are given away for free, and they could help low income veterans with bills, mortgage, rent, housing, college, and medications . Please note that grants are only given for veterans who can…
Suicide Prevention
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline US 1-800-273-8255 Canada 1-833-456-4566 Trans LifeLine – All Ages 1-877-330-6366 Wonder drug: Ketamine can lift you from deep depression within minutes of administration There is no shame in having suicidal feelings. There is no reason you should not ask for…
Same Sex Marriage Discrimination Guide
Table of Contents Common discriminatory behavior Faith/religious related discrimination Employment discrimination Same sex blood and donation Housing Conjugal rights Medical care rights Military service Parental rights Hate crimes Prevention and protection against same sex discrimination What do you do if you feel you’re a victim of discrimination?
Therapy Resource Links
Emotionally Focussed Therapy with Distance Family Services Toronto – David Kelley Program – provides professional individual, couple and family counselling to people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans or queer, or who are questioning their gender identity and/or sexual orientation. They also provide services to persons living with or affected by HIV/AIDS. Find an…
Drug, Alcohol & Smoking Addiction Support Links
Note From Mary: I receive many requests a week to post free advertising links to this page. Please know that I am no longer accepting links, nor will I bother to respond to the requests. Addiction Group – no affiliations to any rehab centers, we aren’t sponsored, and we display no advertisements on our website. …
LGBT Support Phone Numbers
Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-799-7233 Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-422-4453 (TDD) Drug Abuse Hotline 1-800-799-7233
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