Muslim Support For Gays
Al-Fatiha Foundation – is an international organization dedicated to Muslims who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, and trasngendered, those questioning their sexual orientation or gender identity, and their friends.
Al-Fatiha’s goal is to provide a safe space and a forum for LGBTQ Muslims to address issues of common concern, share individual experiences, and institutional resources. The Al-Fatiha Foundation aims to support LGBTQ Muslims in reconciling their sexual orientation or gender identity with Islam. Al-Fatiha promotes the Islamic notions of social justice, peace, and tolerance through its work, to bring all closer to a world that is free from injustice, prejudice, and discrimination.
Imaan LGBTQI Muslim Support Group – supports LGBT Muslim people, their families and friends, to address issues of sexual orientation within Islam. It provides a safe space and support network to address issues of common concern through sharing individual experiences and institutional resources.
Imaan promotes the Islamic values of peace, social justice and tolerance through its work, and aspires to bring about a world that is free from prejudice and discrimination against all Muslims and LGBT people.
Christianity & Islam – Peace & Humanity – Never has there been more need for Jews, Christians and Muslims to reexamine their own roots and to trace again the common threads which unite them.
They are all children of Abraham, whether physically or spiritually. They are all people of the book. They are all followers of the One God. Judaism, Islam and Christianity are collectively known as “Abrahamic religions” because they trace their history to the covenant God made with Abraham.
This site compares various issues in Christianity and Islam. The resources are mainly the Bible and the Quran. Our goal is to foster understanding between Christians and Muslims.
A Muslim And A Christian In Dialogue
Badru D. Kateregga and David W. Shenk
In their book, Shenk and Kateregga write:
“Christians and Muslims worship the same God. Both give witness that there is One true and only God, the righteous and transcendent Creator of all things in heaven and earth. Furthermore, Christians accept with thankfulness all ninety-nine names of God that Muslims repeat in worship and praise to God. Even the name Allah is affirmed by Christians as a name of God. The Prophet Abraham knew God as El or Elohim, which is a Hebrew form of the Arabic Allah. <…>
“Nevertheless, within our common faith in God, Muslims and Christians experience differences. These differences are rooted in different understandings of God’s relationship to people. The Qur’an stresses the revelation of God’s commands and His names to humans. In the Bible we perceive God as the One Who reveals Himself to humankind.” (pp. 22-23, written by Shenk, the Christian)
“When Christians and Muslims talk about God, they are talking about the same God, although their witnessing concerning God may be rather different. When they speak of God, Allah, Yahweh, or Elohim, they mean the God Who is the only one, the Creator, the loving, the just, the holy, the merciful, the living and eternal, the wise and knowing. Nevertheless, the Christian witness emphasizes the self-disclosure of God (hence the “Trinity”), while in Islam it is the will and guidance of God which is revealed.” (p. 94, written by Kateregga, the Muslim)
Please download The Author’s Preface and Chapter 1
Please Note that special permission to use this excerpt was granted specifically to Christian Gays and should not be used on other websites without express permission from MennoMedia.
Purchase the book A Muslim and a Christian in Dialogue at
See their website, watch the trailer, and buy the DVD
Some Information About Islam for Christians – by Robert
Muslim Information for Christians – 99 Names of God – by Robert
Imams Join Plea For Gay Tolerance
Faith Leaders Back Archbishop With Attack On Extremism
UK News | The Guardian, Sept 26, 2003
Muslim religious leaders have joined Christian and Jewish leaders for the first time in issuing a joint plea for tolerance for gay people. In an open letter written in support of Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the group, which includes two bishops, has criticised incitement to religious hatred and aggressive proselytisation as practised by some fundamentalist evangelical Christians.