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Two-Spirit Resource Websites
Two Spirits Rising – A Fascinating History Lesson of First Nations Gays – by John Dooley 2 Spirited People of the First Nations (Centre for Indigenous Sovereignty) 2-Spirited People of the 1st Nations – Support, referrals, advocacy * HIV/AIDS education and prevention including distribution of male and female condoms, lubricant and Aboriginal resource material *…
Mormon Support For GLBTIQ’s
Note from Mary: My eldest daughter’s family is Mormon, and I do respect and wish to support ALL LGBT’s, and hence the reason for this page. I hope you will find the information uplifting. ALL are welcome at Christian Gays. No More Strangers – LGBT Mormon Forum Note from Mary: My eldest daughter’s family is…
The Roman Catholic Church Hits A New Low
Just when I think the Roman Church has hit the bottom of the gutter with all of the Papal and Vatican sponsored attacks against the Gay community, we learn that we have yet to see the bottom. The latest news to disgust me is the refusal of the San Diego Diocese to allow any of…
Man Marries Christian Partner In The First Muslim Gay Wedding Of UK
July 11, 2017 Jahed Choudhury and Sean Rogan have married in what is being called Britain’s ‘first’ ever same-sex Muslim wedding. The newlyweds want “to show the whole world that you can be gay and Muslim” after exchanging vows in West Midlands. 24-year-old Choudhury told Express and Star that he was bullied in school and was banned from his…
Christian Denominations and Gays
These links were originally from – once an excellent encyclopedia of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, & queer culture but now archived. Used with Permission. While denominations such as the Metropolitan Community Church and the Unitarian Universalists welcome full participation by glbtq members and clergy, others are divided over glbtq issues, and some are ardent…
The Inevitability of the Rise of Liberal Christianity
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The Basics Of Mormonism
Disclaimer from Bridget: This is what I believed at one time, however my beliefs have evolved, and I am no longer a member of the Mormon Church. Basic Background of the LDS CHURCH 1. The actual name of the Mormon Church is the “Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.” Mormon is a nick-name given…
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The Story of the Gospel Told Through Film
by the Jesus Film Project for many wonderful, well-done videos, available to stream or download. In English and 195 other languages.
Muslim Support For Gays
Al-Fatiha Foundation – is an international organization dedicated to Muslims who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, and trasngendered, those questioning their sexual orientation or gender identity, and their friends. Al-Fatiha’s goal is to provide a safe space and a forum for LGBTQ Muslims to address issues of common concern, share individual experiences, and institutional resources. The…
Two Spirits Rising
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Celibacy – History and Doctrine
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The Self-Destruction of the Roman Catholic Church
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Denominational Support For Gays and Lesbians
The listings on this page are for specific denominations who have within them, a gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender support organization. If you know of any that are not listed, could you please send me their information. Anglican/Episcopalian LGBT in the Church Lesbian & Gay Christians – LCGM (UK) Proud Anglicans
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The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief
July 19, 2020, Note from Mary: I listened to this broadcast in my car today (CBC Radio: Tapestry) and felt the content was so powerful that I wanted to share it with any who might be questioning whether there is “a God”. This is about faith and science, and has nothing to do with being…
Muslim Information For Christians – 99 Names of God
The Quran says that Allah has the most beautiful names: “Allah! there is no god but He! To Him belong the most Beautiful Names.” (Quran 20:8, Yusufali’s translation) “Say: “Call upon Allah, or call upon Rahman [the Merciful One]: by whatever name ye call upon Him, (it is well): for to Him belong the Most…
Gay Mennonite Support
Brethren Mennonite Council For Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Interests The mission of BMC is to cultivate an inclusive church and society and to care for the Mennonite and Brethren lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and allied community. Brethren and Mennonites do not subscribe to formal creeds or doctrines developed by a church hierarchy: our only…
“Imagine Dragons” Singer Apologizes For Preaching Anti-Gay Messages
Imagine Dragons lead singer Dan Reynolds has apologized for preaching Mormon teachings that homosexuality is a sin. Reynolds was honored with the Hero award for the Trevor Project and in his acceptance speech, he admitted he wasn’t always accepting of the LGBT community. “I knocked on thousands of doors. For those two years when people asked me…
Metropolitan Community Church
On an autumn Sunday morning in 1968 a twice-defrocked gay Pentecostal minister welcomed twelve people into his living room for a worship service. From that distinctly modest beginning the Metropolitan Community Church (MCC) has grown into a worldwide ministry with over forty thousand members in eighteen countries. Origins The Reverend Troy Perry felt the call…
Unreasoned Ignorance Abounds
Everywhere I turned today, I read yet again another perversion of Holy Scriptures with a decidedly anti-gay twist. It is an epidemic of ignorance and misplaced righteousness. First, the Vatican is at it again, or should I say still at it. What I predicted last year has come to pass: The Pope has banned gay…
Some Information About Islam For Christians
by Robert (in Russia) as part of a discussion on the Christian Gays List Serve I personally believe that it is true that Christians and Muslims worship the same God, but their concepts of God are different. There are people, both among Christians and among Muslims, who believe that God and Allah are two different…
Jehovah’s Witnesses Gay Support
A Common Bond is the worldwide support network for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender individuals who were, or still are, associated with Jehovah’s Witnesses. We began in 1980 as a simple mimeographed newsletter, and have since grown into a worldwide network with local chapters and annual international conferences. The mission of A Common Bond is…
Fundamentalism by Karen Armstrong
It is wrong – and dangerous – to believe literal truth can be found in religious texts. Human beings, in nearly all cultures, have long engaged in a rather strange activity. They have taken a literary text, given it special status and attempted to live according to its precepts. These texts are usually of considerable…