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for many wonderful, well-done videos, available to stream or download. In English and 195 other languages.
for many wonderful, well-done videos, available to stream or download. In English and 195 other languages.
Locate any chapter of the Bible with just one click
This is the original longer version. If you wish to read the shorter version, which is suitable for publication, and is actually quite different than this version, please Click Here. On May 5, 2001, when Pope John Paul II begged God’s forgiveness for sins committed by Roman Catholics against Jews, heretics and women, he acknowledged…
This is an alphabetic listing of Interfaith Calendar terms with brief descriptions. Corrections are invited. Send comments and suggestions to: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
“Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Romans 10:13 A – Admit that you’re a sinner in need of God. B – Believe that Jesus died and rose again for your sins. C – Confess Jesus as Lord of your life. Read Rev Bob Ellis’ Article How To Get Saved Discover…
I have once again finished reading an official document issued by the Vatican in Rome that deals with the complex issue of gays in ordained ministry. Not since the document “CONSIDERATIONS REGARDING PROPOSALS TO GIVE LEGAL RECOGNITION TO UNIONS BETWEEN HOMOSEXUAL PERSONS,” issued two summers ago by John Paul II, have I been so absolutely…
On an autumn Sunday morning in 1968 a twice-defrocked gay Pentecostal minister welcomed twelve people into his living room for a worship service. From that distinctly modest beginning the Metropolitan Community Church (MCC) has grown into a worldwide ministry with over forty thousand members in eighteen countries. Origins The Reverend Troy Perry felt the call…
July 19, 2020, Note from Mary: I listened to this broadcast in my car today (CBC Radio: Tapestry) and felt the content was so powerful that I wanted to share it with any who might be questioning whether there is “a God”. This is about faith and science, and has nothing to do with being…
List of Churches by Country List of Churches by U.S. State / Canadian Province Find an Affirming Church Using Searchable Map
It is inevitable that Christians who would now be described as “liberal” will be the overwhelming majority of Christians in America. That sea change, the waters of which we already feel swelling everywhere around us, can no sooner be stopped than can the moon passing across the night sky. Today’s conservative evangelical Christians who are…
If you wish to read the longer, original version, please Click Here. Note from Mary: There are now over 400 English Versions of the Bible! “Proud as a peacock” – The phrase comes from the glorious fan-shaped, multi-coloured (not quite rainbow-coloured) plumage of the male peafowl when he is courting his mate. Thus, just as…
These links were originally from – once an excellent encyclopedia of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, & queer culture but now archived. Used with Permission. While denominations such as the Metropolitan Community Church and the Unitarian Universalists welcome full participation by glbtq members and clergy, others are divided over glbtq issues, and some are ardent…
Note from Mary: There are now over 400 English Versions! taken (with permission) from WWW.GREATSITE.COM 1400 BC: The first written Word of God: The Ten Commandments delivered to Moses. 500 BC: Completion of All Original Hebrew Manuscripts which make up The 39 Books of the Old Testament. 200 BC: Completion of the Septuagint Greek Manuscripts…
Everywhere I turned today, I read yet again another perversion of Holy Scriptures with a decidedly anti-gay twist. It is an epidemic of ignorance and misplaced righteousness. First, the Vatican is at it again, or should I say still at it. What I predicted last year has come to pass: The Pope has banned gay…
Just when I think the Roman Church has hit the bottom of the gutter with all of the Papal and Vatican sponsored attacks against the Gay community, we learn that we have yet to see the bottom. The latest news to disgust me is the refusal of the San Diego Diocese to allow any of…