Mormon Stories

Note from Mary: My eldest daughter’s family is Mormon, and I do respect and wish to support ALL LGBT’s, and hence the reason for this page. I hope you will find the information uplifting. ALL are welcome at Christian Gays. No More Strangers – LGBT Mormon Forum Note from Mary: My eldest daughter’s family is…
Many at Northern Secondary School were surprised when Matt H. announced last year that he was running for student council president. A somewhat lonely boy, he didn’t fit the model of the popular, extroverted student leader. Everyone seemed to know the outgoing president. Matt was more reserved – he liked playing on-line games and writing….
I am writing about our gay son, Johnathan’s journey to marriage, to bring hope, faith, courage, and patience to others who are lonely and frustrated along the path. Johnathan has Autism, specifically, Asperger’s Syndrome. He is high-functioning and has his bachelor’s degree. He has worked for Nintendo, Pokeman, and Microsoft for years as a video…
by William Spangler I am 46 yrs. old. I grew up in VA. right on the Bible Belt. I attended a Pentecostal church. I was miserable. During all my young adult life I had to suppress my real self. I constantly felt condemned, I witnessed firsthand the shame my church brought upon others who dared…
Taken From Ellie’s Blog Used With Permission …it starts with a niggle in the deep recesses of your soul that all is not quite right with the world as you know it and from there it grows… and there was I… one day I realised I was no longer in sync with my world, my…
by Patricia Spencer, taken from her book How to Survive Suicide: What nobody told me about how to survive losing my son to suicide, available on and Note from Mary: This article, written by my dear friend Patty Spencer, is from the above-mentioned book. It presents such excellent concepts re God and science…
I am originally from Nigeria, West Africa, where homosexuality is completely forbidden and illegal. I was also raised in a Christian home and faced great conflict when I realized that I was a lesbian. My family tried praying it out of me 🙂 and later on, we fell out completely. They basically told me I…
by Heather Smith Greetings in the Name of Christ!! If you clicked on this link, it must be either because you wanted to know more, want to bash, or maybe you’re just plain curious to see where it led you. The dictionary says that a homosexual is: “Of or having sexual desires for persons of…
RALEIGH – Ray Vester was raised in a Pentacostal Christian home in Rocky Mount, N.C. It was there that he developed a devotion to the music and teachings of the Christian religion. At the age of 19, he recorded his first record, “Come Soon Jesus,” which was released in 1979 and subsequently re-recorded by several…
Note from Mary: Bridget has been a well-loved member of Christian Gays for many years. She is the straight mother of a gay son, whose faith history includes the Mormon Church. She has been a spiritual mother and mentor to many of our family, especially our Mormon family. Disclaimer from Bridget: This is what I…
by Susan Duviella (brwneyes) I was born and raised in a Hispanic Pentecostal church in Brooklyn, NY. I’ve always known that I was different, but kept it to myself. In fact, for a long time, I denied the possibility that I was a lesbian. I even fought anyone who dare call me gay. For many…
Every once in a while I have people ask me what my multicolored (rainbow) wristband means. My usual response is: it means that one is either gay, or gay friendly. I don’t usually tell them that “it’s a pride thing,” although it would be an accurate statement. My typical response is usually enough information for…
This morning, I received my daily visit from a community nurse, who is coming to terms with the suicide-death of her adult, gay brother. In an attempt to help her, and to explain the shameful and desperate aloneness, involved in growing up as a gay man, I have decided to commit to paper a reflection…
by Rev. Tessie Mandeville The Cathedral of Hope was honored to have Mary Lou Wallner with us this past Sunday May 11, 2003, in Dallas and Oklahoma City. Mary Lou shared her story of tragedy and how God helped her transform that tragedy into healing, not only for herself but for thousands more. Mary Lou’s…
by James I am a member of the Gay/Straight Alliance (we call it the GLBT Club) at my local community college where I am a student. I am interested in participating at blogging on your website, I do not have any credentials other than a High School Diploma, but when I was only a…
For many years I have been on a journey. This journey began with my being raised in a Congregationalist church. Then I became “Born Again” and became an Evangelical. That was followed by my being “Baptized in the Holy Spirit” with the evidence of speaking in tongues. Thus I became a Pentecostal/Charismatic preacher for 34…
by Darren Theoret Ottawa, Canada The following is the letter I emailed to my friends, family and Catholic Church officials advising that I have decided not to become ordained as a Deacon. It is dated 16 January, 2008. When I rededicated my life to the Lord, I was 19 years old and living a very…
Disclaimer from Bridget: This is what I believed at one time, however my beliefs have evolved, and I am no longer a member of the Mormon Church. Basic Background of the LDS CHURCH 1. The actual name of the Mormon Church is the “Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.” Mormon is a nick-name given…
Christian Gays has come about as a result of many years of turmoil and depression at being unable to reconcile my sexuality with my Christianity. It is a labour of love with the mission of reaching other hurting gays who believe that they cannot be Christian if they are gay. Trust me. It IS possible…
Rizi Xavier Timane is a female-to-male transgender singer, actor and trans-specialist coach who advocates for transgender rights. He was born and raised in Nigeria, West Africa. Rizi realized at age eight that he was a boy living in a girl’s body and approached his parents about this dilemma. His parents, converts to fundamentalist Christianity, responded…
May 18 2017 – “I’m sorry I’m running late, church got out late,” Chris Weaver, also known as drag queen Nedra Belle, said as he entered the gay bar. He came straight from performing in two church services with the praise team to the gay bar for his weekly show Sermon. “But you know black…
by Craig Dean Perhaps no topic stirs the imagination as the legalization of same-sex marriage. In this veritable minefield of tradition versus progress, twenty years ago attorney Craig Dean filed the first discrimination suit to legalize same-sex marriage in over forty years when his marriage license application to his partner was denied by the District…
My parents were raised Lutheran in Germany and East Prussia, but joined the Mormon church while single in their late twenties after much investigation. They were drawn to the aspect of living prophets and genealogy (saving your ancestors) and eternal families. So I was born and raised in the Mormon church. As a child growing…
by Anita When I wrote that phrase some time ago and as I write this post today I’m thinking of you who believe there’s no such thing as a “Christian lesbian.” You consider the term to be a contradiction of terms but more than that, you regard it an offense to the Gospel. You believe…
by Linda Smith January 7, 2012 My name is Linda and I am 56 years young. I am a Late Blooming Lesbian and only discovered myself about 5 yrs ago. I fell deeply and sincerely in love with a wonderful lady. I have lived a very painful and difficult life… brutal alcoholic father… poverty… parental…
by Stephenie Robinson So if you think that I got to look like I do in this photograph easily you can forget that, it is not true, it took dedication, work, tenacity and all the things we have to do to get a result in any given situation. It was over hell and high water…
See Part 1 here April 2018 Update: Since the running of the article in Out and About Newspaper a decade ago much has occurred. I am no longer with the partner mentioned in the article, but am happily engaged to a wonderful man named Joe who also brought into my life his daughter Brianna. Joe…
People often ask me why I wear a Red Ribbon. Some people ask the question simply to find out what the ribbon means, but other people are really asking a hidden question: they wonder what experiences in life has moved me so that I would want to wear a Red Ribbon, a visible reminder to…
Note from Mary: Bridget is a well-loved member of our Social Group, the straight mother of a gay son. She has been a blessing to us all. Disclaimer from Bridget: This is what I believed at one time, however my beliefs have evolved, and I am no longer a member of the Mormon Church. When…
by Yowee On this day five years ago my life was changed forever. It was on Wednesday 24 April 2002 at 7:30am I got a call from my doctor saying the blood test had come back and that he had to see me. I said to him, “It’s positive isn’t it? Otherwise you wouldn’t call…