Christianity And Homosexuality Reconciled – Audio Series
Listen to Seven One-Hour mp3 Audio Messages
by Dr. Joseph Adam Pearson
Sept 6, 2010

Click on the Audio links to hear these excellent teaching messages.

Click on the Text Download links if you wish to read them.
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©2010 Dr. Joseph Adam Pearson. All rights reserved. Used with Permission
These broadcasts are for you to listen to on Christian Gays, or you can save them to your mp3 players, or you can copy them onto a CD to share with those who might benefit. Dr. Pearson asks only that if you download and copy, each file must be copied, saved and sent intact and whole, as they are now. They may not be segmented.
Please click here to get a download of Dr. Pearson’s 184 page book, along with an accompanying PowerPoint Presentation.