
Leviticus – Mary’s Musings After Dinner At Red Lobster

Most of you will know that many people use the Old Testament laws to discriminate against gays, specifically Leviticus 18:22. “It is disgusting for a man to have sex with another man.” ~ Lev 18:22 That seems pretty straight forward doesn’t it. But let’s put it into context here. What are some of the verses…

02. Adam and Eve and Steve: Genesis 1 and 2

All ancient religions and cultures developed creation stories including the Amorites, Canannites and Babylonians, all which predate the creation story found in Genesis 1-2. These ancient stories tell of how the world came into being, who their deities were and how their deities played a part in the forming of the world and in relating…


The Book of Romans – Some Background & A Little Insight

Many of us are painfully aware that two of the most-used Bible verses against gays are Romans 1:26,27. Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for…

07. I Corinthians 6:9 / I Timothy 1: 9-10: Words Matter

If the word homosexual appears in your Bible in either passage then you have a version that was written after 1946. Prior to the 1946 Edition of the Revised Standard Version, the words that homosexual had begun to replace in many modern versions included boy prostitutes, effeminate, those who make women of themselves, sissies, the…


Translations of “Malakoi” and “Arsenokoitai” Through History (I Cor 6:9)

by Jeramy Townsley The purpose of this page is to show the difficulty in translating the words arsenokoitai and malakos – two words used (incorrectly) to condemn gays. Throughout the history of English translations, there has been little agreement on the meanings of these two Greek words. Most of the English translations describe malakos as…

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Does the Bible Condemn Homosexuality? Interview with Dr Rev Cheri DiNovo

As the debate rages over the legality and morality of same sex marriages, many Christians rely on the Bible as their guide. Many believe that the Bible clearly condemns homosexuality, and they provide specific passages to back up their claim. We decided to give the other side of the debate a chance to answer. So,…


Queer Positive Bible

Introduction In contemporary Christianity, there is probably no single issue more contentious and no debate more acrimonious than that which surrounds the discussion of homosexuality and the church. Questions of justice are often contrasted with questions of biblical faithfulness; even those new to the discussion quickly become familiar with such terms as “hermeneutic” (studying the…


Does Jude Condemn Gays? by Rick Brentlinger

by Rick Brentlinger The sin that Jude condemns is humans having sex with angels. He does not mention or condemn homosexuals and lesbians, yet many anti-gay Christians take the following verses out of context to condemn gays and lesbians. They assert (falsely) that verse 7 is a negative attack on gay men and lesbian women….

01. The Bible and Homosexuality Summary of “Clobber Verses”

There are selected passages in the Bible that lean toward a negative and prohibitive stance on homo-erotic behavior as it was understood within the social context of antiquity, but these passages reflect nothing on the lives of gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgendered people today. The word homosexual doesn’t appear anywhere in ancient Greek or Hebrew…