Magazines for Lesbians & Gays
(The) Advocate, OUT and OUT IN CANADA – Entertainment, Popnography, Fashion, News & Opinion, Lifestyle, Travel & Nightlife
Canadian Lesbian & Gay Archives – Located in the heart of the Church and Wellesley Village, Toronto, the Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives is the second largest LGBT archive in the world. It offers a permanent collection of archived materials and a research library, as well as regular special exhibitions. Includes Digital Collections.
Curve Magazine – the nation’s best-selling lesbian magazine, spotlights all that is fresh, funny, exciting, controversial and cutting-edge in our community. Curve brings you the latest in lesbian-related celebrity interviews, news, politics, pop culture, style, travel, social issues and entertainment.
Curve tackles the tough topics, like “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” same-sex marriage, breast cancer and the challenges facing queer youth. Plus, we profile women who are making a difference, such as Meshell Ndegeocello, Rosie O’Donnell, the Butchies, Ani DiFranco, Ellen DeGeneres and k.d. lang.
After more than two decades of publishing, Curve has achieved a level of prominence that keeps us in the spotlight. We’ve been named Best Gay and Lesbian Publication by the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD), and we also took top honors in the category of Best Rock Reporting for our behind-the-scenes profile of Melissa Etheridge. Savvy, hip and intelligent, Curve is now delivered to your door 6 times a year.
Daily Xtra – has earned its readers’ respect for its in-depth coverage of the issues important to gays and lesbians and a commitment to exploring the many ways in which our diverse communities express themselves.
Each month more than 150,000 visitors turn to Daily Xtra for quick and easy on-line access to its intelligent mix of news, views and arts and culture coverage, and in depth local community coverage of Vancouver, Toronto and Ottawa.
Daily Xtra is published by Pink Triangle Press, Canada’s leading gay and lesbian media organization and one of the most diversified gay media enterprises in the world.
Founded in 1971 to advance the struggle for sexual liberation, our defining activity is lesbian and gay journalism.
The Press is a mission-guided community organization without shareholders, but we earn our revenues in the marketplace. To that end, we are active in many kinds of business. But everything we do is intended to support or fulfill our mission.

Gay Times Magazine – UK Magazine of News, Style, Guys, Shopping, Culture, Video, Travel, Win, Life and more …
Golden Threads – The only lesbian contact publication in the U.S. Coded self-descriptions protect your privacy. Lesbians of any age welcome.
For info & sample copy send $6 (U.S. & Canada); all other countries $10 U.S.$):
Golden Threads
PO Box 1688
Demorest, GA 30535
706.766.3959 (9 – 9 ET, 7 days a week)
email: (LOO)

IN Magazine – Celebrating Canada’s LGBT Lifestyle – Culture, Style, Travel, Community, Photos
Inspire gay men and lesbians to live life to the fullest.
Expand the gay and lesbian community by valuing diversity and individual choice.
Celebrate Canada.
Provide readers with compelling news, information and entertainment.

Lesbian Connection – is the free worldwide forum of news, ideas and information for, by and about lesbians. We’ve been publishing this bimonthly magazine since 1974, and we mail issues out via snail mail in plain brown envelopes. (The word “lesbian” doesn’t appear anywhere on the outside.)
This magazine is a grassroots forum, which means it’s truly written by our readers. On our pages you’ll find info for lesbians on places to live and where to travel, lesbian B&Bs and guesthouses, websites, cruises, festivals, conferences, lesbian land and retirement communities, products (books, CDs, DVDs, etc.), campgrounds and retreats, lesbian lawyers and realtors, as well as the comic strip “Dykes to Watch Out For” and much more. There are also reviews, articles and letters dealing with whatever issues LC‘s readers are thinking about, from gay marriage to health issues, relationships and politics.
So, if you’re a lesbian and you’d like to start receiving LC, all you need to do is email us ( your full name and complete (snail mail) mailing address and we’ll be happy to add you to our list. (By the way, our mailing list is totally confidential; we will never sell, loan or share it with anyone else.) In case you’re wondering, LC survives on the donations we receive from our readers. However, contributions are voluntary, and subscriptions really are free to all lesbians. Our goal is, quite simply, to connect the lesbian community worldwide.
By the way, our official name and address is Elsie Publishing Institute (EPI), PO Box 811, East Lansing, MI 48826, ph 517-371-5257, fax 517-371-5200, EPI is a tax-deductible U.S. 501(c)(3) nonprofit charity.
We hope to hear from you soon, and feel free to forward this info on to your lesbian friends and list-servs!
Pink Magazine (South Carolina) – Celebrate Your Womentality – is dedicated to reaching, serving and supporting the women of Hilton Head Island, Bluffton, Beaufort and beyond.
We strive to provide readers with relevant editorial that both informs and entertains.
The essence of the magazine encourages women to Celebrate Their Womentality! We have a respected team of national and local writers, who provide insightful and thoughtful content, that reinforces our mission of empower, inform, encourage, and evoke thought.