
Thoughts on Hell and God’s Grace Part 1 – H.E. Double Toothpicks

Maybe I should ease into this post by doing my usual schtick of rambling around the edges before getting to the point, and there are times, believe it or not, when opinionated and straightforward me taps lightly around my beliefs because I know for those located in, or coming from, a conservative Christian tradition as…


Thoughts on Hell and God’s Grace Part 2 – The Long and Winding Road that Leads Absolutely No Where!

Part 1 if you missed it As mentioned in my last post, my initial experimentation at blogging on my new bright and shiny iPad was less than successful, at least in addressing the topic of “Sin, Salvation and A Savior” as I had originally intended. On the other hand, had my goal been to make…


Thoughts on Hell and God’s Grace Part 3 – Sin, Salvation, and The Savior

Part 1 and Part 2 if you missed them Memo to Self: Skip the witty lead-in. Pass on the relevant but lengthy personal anecdote. Don’t bother with an introduction that ends up longer than the actual post. For once would you just get to the point. These people have other things to do, you know….