
Christianity and LGBT People: A Teaching Summary

~by Rev. Dr. Jerry S. Maneker Question: How do you define Christianity? Answer: The Gospel means: Good News! The good news is that we are God’s children by God’s grace alone (unmerited favor) and we appropriate that grace through our abiding faith (implacable trust) in God (i.e. trusting God over and above seen circumstances), love,…


“Love The Sinner Hate The Sin”: Plea For A New Paradigm

If I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard the line “love the sinner, hate the sin” when the topic of homosexuality comes up I’d be a rich man (or at least have enough to pay my bills). It seems to be an ‘easy’ response to the situation but one that irks me considerably….


Stop Arguing About the Bible and Homosexuality by Candace Chellew-Hodge

“Nothing in regard to controversial matters ha(s) ever been settled by the Bible.” ~ William Lloyd Garrison Gays and lesbians will never “win” the argument over what the Bible says or does not say about homosexuality. The good news is: we don’t have to. It will not be arguments over the Bible that will ultimately…

Using Theory to Understand Gay and Lesbian Identity Development

There are several theories that describe the sexual orientation development of gay and lesbian individuals. Because people are unique and everyone has his or her own story, no one theory describes all people. Some of the factors that influence development, and which are not yet accounted for by theory, include race, religion, culture, gender, and…

Attempts To Become Straight Leads To Heartbreak And Divorce

‘Ex-Gay Groups Love To Spotlight The Wedding Photos, But They Never Show The Divorce Papers,’ Says TWO Executive Director Wayne Besen TRUTH WINS OUT UNVEILS VALENTINE’S VIDEO SHOWING HOW ATTEMPTS TO BECOME STRAIGHT THROUGH MARRIAGE LEADS TO HEARTBREAK AND DIVORCE Miami Beach, FLA. – Truth Wins Out today unveiled a Valentine’s Day video that shows…

Dr. Robert Spitzer Tells Focus On The Family to Stop Exaggerating His Work

(Out Of) Focus On The Family Miami Beach, FLA. – Truth Wins Out released a new video today on YouTube featuring a famed psychiatrist who says Focus on the Family has chronically exaggerated his scientific data from a 2001 study to support their anti-gay political agenda. “The gay person who is thinking about entering some…

A History of Gay and Lesbian Rights in the United States From 1610 To 2000

Year Event 1610 Virginia Colony passes first anti-sodomy law in America. 1786 Pennsylvania becomes the first of 13 states to drop the death penalty for sodomy. 1924 The first gay rights group in the United States, the Society for Human Rights, is founded in Chicago. 1950 U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy starts a massive nationwide hunt…

Two Spirits Rising

Historically, Native American Tribes Thought Gays Were Great! In 1811, barely 10 years after Sacajawea brought Lewis and Clark through the Pacific Northwest, Fort Astoria fur-traders encountered a unique and curious individual. The traders were dumbfounded to observe the arrival of a young Kootenai Indian woman named Qangon, who brought and delivered a written message…

Two-Spirit Resource Websites

Two Spirits Rising – A Fascinating History Lesson of First Nations Gays – by John Dooley 2 Spirited People of the First Nations (Centre for Indigenous Sovereignty) 2-Spirited People of the 1st Nations – Support, referrals, advocacy * HIV/AIDS education and prevention including distribution of male and female condoms, lubricant and Aboriginal resource material *…


Think About It by C. Ann Shepherd

1. Even though current research indicates that sexual orientation is fixed and unchangeable, some still insist that homosexuals could change if they wanted to. 2. Many people assume that homosexuality is a choice, and that gay people have made the decision to be gay. 1. Even though current research indicates that sexual orientation is fixed and unchangeable, some still…

Prison Inmates – Support Resources

CHRISTIAN RESOURCES These organizations are not necessarily gay-positive but they will help you grow in Christ. Our Daily Bread RBC MinistriesPO Box 2222Grand Rapids, MI 49501(616)-974-2210 or in Canada write to:RBC MinistriesPO Box 1622Windsor, ON N9A 6Z7 Our Daily Bread is a monthly booklet of daily devotions distributed without charge. Joyce Meyer Prison Ministries P.O….

1st Light

Hi Mary! It has been many years since we’ve exchanged emails. You were my very 1st “light” that there were Christian Gays out there. Living in rural, “Bible Belt” Midwest US, coming across your website and exchanging emails with you was life changing for me. So hello, and THANK YOU! ~ Melissa (Missy) Shaber

Womb Transplants for Gay, Transgender and Straight Men Who Want to Carry a Child?

Fertility doctors in the U.K. are reportedly working on womb transplant procedures that would allow transgender people born as males, and also other men, to have babies. Moreover, National Health Service doctors told The Mail on Sunday that taxpayers should fund such transplants, citing “equality enshrined in law.” Dr. Amel Alghrani of Liverpool University said…

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Man Marries Christian Partner In The First Muslim Gay Wedding Of UK

July 11, 2017 Jahed Choudhury and Sean Rogan have married in what is being called Britain’s ‘first’ ever same-sex Muslim wedding. The newlyweds want “to show the whole world that you can be gay and Muslim” after exchanging vows in West Midlands. 24-year-old Choudhury told Express and Star that he was bullied in school and was banned from his…

Reflections of a Gay Boy

This morning, I received my daily visit from a community nurse, who is coming to terms with the suicide-death of her adult, gay brother. In an attempt to help her, and to explain the shameful and desperate aloneness, involved in growing up as a gay man, I have decided to commit to paper a reflection…

Fear Haunts Gay, Lesbian Seniors, Study Reveals

Prevents Homosexuals From Accessing Health-Care Services MONTREAL – Gays and lesbians who grew up in the days when homosexuality was considered a mental illness are now seniors who face continued discrimination and self-imposed silence when it comes to accessing the health-care services they need, says a study released Tuesday. “People were once forced into psychiatric…

Seniors – Personal Ads

Some “Senior” personal ads seen in Florida newspapers: (Who says seniors don’t have a sense of humor?) FOXY LADY: Sexy, fashion-conscious blue-haired beauty, 80’s, slim, 5’4″ (used to be 5’6″), searching for sharp-looking, sharp-dressing companion. Matching white shoes and belt a plus. LONG-TERM COMMITMENT: Recent widow who has just buried fourth husband, and am looking…

Gay and Christian – Ray Vester Proves You Can Be Both

RALEIGH – Ray Vester was raised in a Pentacostal Christian home in Rocky Mount, N.C. It was there that he developed a devotion to the music and teachings of the Christian religion. At the age of 19, he recorded his first record, “Come Soon Jesus,” which was released in 1979 and subsequently re-recorded by several…

Time For ‘Ex-Gay’ Hordes To March On Washington

I know this is hard to believe, but the “ex-gay” group Exodus International is the next Starbucks. The organization, according to its executive director Alan Chambers, is expanding so fast that it will soon have storefronts on every corner where forlorn homosexuals can pray away the gay. In 2003, Chambers claimed that there are “thousands…